5 Replies

Hi there, according to this article on baby's milestones (link below), it is actually very normal :) At that age, baby will learn how to prop herself up on her arms and hold her chest off the ground, like a mini-pushup. Not too long after, she will be able to sit momentarily without assistance. Don't worry about baby being in the position for too long. When she's tired, she'll know when to stop and you should stand by to provide support and surround baby with pillows to cushion a possible fall. http://www.babycenter.com/0_baby-milestones-sitting_6505.bc

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VIP Member

It's normal. My LO 5.5 months also same.sit by her own without support but slowly she will lean forward too. Then back to her tummy again 😂

Super Mum

Yes, this is called the tripod position, completely normal for this age:)

VIP Member

Its called tripod n its ok. Normal to learn that way

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