3 Replies

I went from XS-L during my pregnancy, took 8 months to shed off the extra weights (18kg). I couldn’t fit into any of my prepreg clothings, my hair was dropping so much, my stretch marks and cellulites are all over and my dark circles….. My confinement food was so bad I threw all of it and was surviving on one/no meal daily (I just drink water). I dont exercise because I have asthma and get out of breathe easily. For the pregnancy brain, it will go away differently for individuals. 3 years PP and I still have that, I forgot things easily. I left my phone in the fridge, in the storeroom, outside my house etc. Noted on your last part but I would say not about the nutritious part but instead, eat and drink so you can have supply. May sound selfish but I insisted on breastfeeding because it’s said to make me lose weight faster rather than nutritious. What I did was, I stopped looking into the full length mirror, stopped trying to fit into my prepreg clothings, I focused on my baby and breastfeeding (main caregiver). I ate normally, sometimes like a cow and spam lots of water so I could get more supply. For me, the more supply = the more output = lose more calories. I felt everything you’re going thru now because I was a young mum when I gave birth and going a few sizes up was a rather devastating for me. Do you exercise before pregnancy? Maybe can try doing yoga/pilates to speed up the process. You can also wear binders or corsets for longer hours to help with the slimming too. Stress can contribute to weight gain as well, so try to find things that can make you happy. Go for spas, go make your nails, or do something you like. Keep yourself occupied so you won’t have time to bother about your weight. I know it sounds easier said than done but you’ll eventually get there. Jiayou!

thank you so much! Really needed it🥹

VIP Member

I feel for you. You sound so stressed up. Pls go do something that helps you destress. Stress does make a person gain or retain weight. Also, post natal massages helped me lose some pregnancy weight and inches too. And, how abt gg to the TCM to “get your health” back? It’s gonna be a long process, but it really does help. TCM is a slow and steady way. Otherwise, if you’re planning to get pregnant in the future again, make sure you do your confinement properly. Cannot tahan also must tahan. It will help “reset your body”. Remember, to love others well is to love yourself well first. You can do it! Nothing’s lost yet. As long as there’s life, there’s hope. All the best! 💪🏼


try tcm for ur health... & hopefully after 2 mths, ur weight will go down... keep on breastfeeding if u can... i do believe it helps in weight loss... wishing u the best, fellow mommy 💕

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