16 Replies

I was induced for my first child too. for me not pain.. just the labour took so long 😌 I have a very high pain tolerance.. I don’t feel contractions either although the doctor told me that my contractions is so crazy from the chart. It is ok to induced. I don’t have health problem too nor my baby. the reason why your doctor doesn’t want your baby to overgrow.. it will be hard for you to push the baby out... some if baby too big.. they need to go for csection. Annnnnd yea labour will be long cause it’s induced.. the baby doesn’t want to come out yet 😅 I was admitted 4 days.. I gave birth on the 3rd day. For admission.. all will be done on that day. No worries.. they will tell you all the details.

Wow. It must be soo great to have high pain tolerance. Mine is soooo veryyy low.

Induced is painful.at 40 weeks my waterbag broke. Stuck at 3cm for many hrs and my baby start to poop in my tummy so doctor gave induce medication. So yes! It is painful. All labours are painful and whoever that says not painful is lying! Until i got my epidural cos i can no longer take it, then i don't feel the pain. But the pain comes back during stitching . For admission wise u can choose the ward and make partial payment first i think. U can head to the admission counter to enquire. But even if u didnt do anything , lets say suddenly give birth, they will get your husband to do the admistration for u when u arrive in the hospital. So nothing to worry! 😊

My waterbag broke at 39 wks 1 day but there was no contractions. Admitted to Mount Alvernia as per my gyne advise I was only dilated to 1cm, my gyne suggested to induce , after 8hrs I was abt 1.5 Cm then they put more dosage for me waited another 8hrs I was like 3cm. Even though my tolerance is high, didn’t expect contractions to be so painful that I asked for epidural which was life saver. The heart beat of my baby was dropping as my contractions was continuously 1min apart. My gyne suggested for immediate c section. I was in labour for 14 hrs. My baby was 3.4kg.

Oh my!! Based on yr experiences on induced labour , seems like it's really painful 😣😣😣 although my pain tolerance is high , i can't vouch for the pain that you mummies have been through! Total respect for ya'll 🙏 should i inform doctor on my next checkup that i do not wish to be induced and would like to naturally wait? As mentioned, im a sub patient and idk if doc allows us to make a decision on this 🙄

Super Mum

My gynae planned to induce on my 39th week but baby couldnt wait and came at 38+5 =p so indont have any advice to offer on induction. But i was a subsidized patient at kkh and yes everything will be done on admission. You just have to bring your husband along and hospital bag, let him have your NRIC, the administrator will guide him through the process.

I stayed in B2+ ward and yes you do have to pay upfront..i think it was about $3.5k (i can't remember whether this was paid upfront or final bill) and later on reimbursed to medisave

VIP Member

Hi mommy! I understand you posted this a while ago and you might have already delivered your baby. Could you please share how did things go with you? Did you give birth at wk40 with induced? Or were you able to wait till naturally? Did you use epidural? How was the pain level? I'm FTM and currently week 35+6. I'm a little worried and scared

Hey Mei, if you have time better select the ward in advance. It still depends on the availability on the actual day. But you will have one less thing to worry about 😀

Hey....induce is more painful then normal deliveries. I did the induced and I had to go for c-section. As my baby don't want to move when it's literally left 1 cm. But the baby went to sleep. Doc says baby too long in stomach. From 4am to 8 pm. But it depends on someone body and strength.

VIP Member

i was induced in my first preg because of my GD at KKH. it is painful. cause it speed up labour. i sign everything on that day itself. it took me 12 hrs till i gave birth. didnt use epidural at that time cause i was too late already. but everything is fine after that, baby is fine too.

After being induced for my first pregnancy, i will NEVER opt for one for my next ones anymore. Best to give birth naturally when, baby is ready. The pain was craaaaazy. I had to give in to epidural. Try walking ard alot. My friend walked alot and she just gave birth in 5 mins.

induced labour is painful I was induced at 38 wks as baby was already in position. i got induced thrice and still my cervix would not want to open up. the doctor said I was early for labour. i couldn't bare the pain and so I opt in for c sec...

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