Booster shot

Hello mommies, I'm in my 33rd week now. I just took my flu jab at KKH yesterday (26/4). I asked my gynae, when should I take my booster as I already got the message twice from MOH. She told me to take it a week after my flu jab and not nearing to birthing time. Now Hari raya is coming, I wouldn't want to be sick during this timing if I were to take it next week(which is 1st week of Hari Raya) . OR should I take it after birth itself? Opinion please. Thank you.

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I'd suggest you take before raya. unless you not going to visiting and just stay put at home. during visiting we are exposed to many people in an enclosed area and getting covid while heavily pregnant with no booster, i rather you don't take the risk. take care mommy.