Hi mommies, can i start introducing puree to my 3 months old baby?

Ask dietician and / or speech therapist. Mine is 4 months plus and now they said can start solid food with my baby. But of course not as her main meals, just once a day to get her used to it solid food, just a couple of spoons every day.
It is too soon. At 3 months, babies should have only milk. You might find this article useful https://sg.theasianparent.com/starting-solids-too-early
no.. Too young to start solids... recommended age is 6months but of cos some starts earlier around 5months after consultation with PD
No too early. 6 months is better. Where they are able to sit and gut is more or less developed. This reduces the risk of allergy.
I think he's too young for solids. At 4.5 months you can check the signs if he is ready and ask pd for approval.
Too young! At 4.5 months you can check for signs to see if he is ready for solids then ask pd for approval.
Too young. Only when baby is able to sit up then slowly introduce puree/solid.
Its too early! U shud wait till he is able to sit before introducing it.
No. 6 months is the recommended age by World Health Organization