Baby poop on FM

Hi mommies, I noticed that my baby poop has been in this very dark green colour for a week. He's 3mth plus now. He's been on mixed FM and BM before this, but on the 3rd mth he's on full FM. His poop colour was the usual yellow mustard and/or dark brown, until recently it changed to dark green. Is this normal or is the milk not suitable for him? #advicepls #firstbaby #1stimemom

Baby poop on FM
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What FM are you giving him? I am not sure but I think NAN gives baby dark-coloured poops. So I stopped giving NAN after the first dark poop I saw. My baby’s poop colour went back to normal after I changed to another brand. Do take note that black poop can be an indication that there’s bleeding higher in the stomach or intestines. But it could also mean you’re giving iron-fortified formula milk. Try changing milk first and see if the colour changes. If not, bring baby to doc ASAP. This is a trial and error and a risk you will have to take if you don’t want to bring baby to doc yet.

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3y trước

Hi mummy, its normal for NAN intake, both of my kids also poop that colour. Contain too much iron 😊

Hi this looks normal for Formula fed baby.