Hubbies drinking regarding

Hello mommies how u react ur partner having friends n having drinks night with his frnds n it’s going to be more n more n I am worrying that he may become drinker a day ... how to control him .. if I scold he don’t talk to me .. again . I don’t know how to deal it . We hv shifted to new place we got new frnds here n he is hot drinking frnds .. n it’s the 1st time he got frnds here initially I was happy coz he was becoming social now .. but now I am scared tht he is going to change completely n become drinker .. almost every week going for drinking n coming late nt .. he never had like so since 5yrs n this is the 1st time from past 2 months .. I am really scared n worried .. the frnds also like family frnds only but I don’t know how to stop him pls suggest

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Join him? If not, have an agreement on the “acceptable” frequency.

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sit down n have a good chat to him