Hi mommies, heard about the side effects of epidural but is it true for all mommies who had epidural?? First time mom here. Any advice? #firstbaby

i took epidural for both my first and secondborn bcz i really cnnt tahan the pain. my treshold for pain is zero hahaha. side effect for a long run maybe is bck pain but maybe also bcz i from young already got bck pain occasionally. im pregnant for my third and i too will use epidural for this one for sure . i agree it outweighs the cons cz you wont feel the pain of being stitched aft labour and also it lasts till aft you have to pee aft labiur. pheww!
Read morei experienced tremors that caused me to shake uncontrollably and itching on my entire body. so while at the recovery area after delivery, i was just shaking so much and scratching everywhere. dont worry so much tho cos it only lasted for about half an hour and the symptoms went away. i feel that the benefits of epidural far outweigh its cons!
Read moreI didnt have any side effect after the jab. In fact when i was supposed to push, i didnt feel anyting at all 😅 after delivering i immediately asked nurse when i could eat because i kept my breakfast muffin and bread (i was super duper hungry). Their advice was that i might vomit which eventually i didnt and just eat 🤣
Read moreHi there! I took epidural for my first birth and I had side effects then. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably and I was slightly light headed but it was ok. After giving birth the epidural site was slightly itchy. Other than that it was all good! Didn’t regret taking it since I get to rest for a few hours.
Read moreI took epidural for both my kids. Side effects was just shivering non stop and fever. During confinement I had strict confinement so I won't have long term back aches. I do have 1 aunt who didn't do strict confinement, she had epidural and now her child is 8 years old already she is having terrible back aches
Read moreI used Epidural. It works very well. I only take 8 mins for my son to come out. So called side effect, i can’t feel hip to toe 1-2 hours atter labour. Will i do again for my next pregnancy? Most probably, yes.!🙂
I took epidural for all three pregnancy without backache which old ppl claims it does. But for the side effects like itching, shivering and vomitting I got all which lasted after delivery.
Short term side effects are uncontrollable shaking and no long term side effects.