Expired pregnancy kit

Hi mommies, my first one is now 20 mo and I had my first period when she was 10 mo. Full time mom and still breastfeeding. My period is missing by a week and when I took a test, it was positive. Problem is just saw that the test kit was expired in 2016. Anyone experiencing this? Should this be false positive?

Expired pregnancy kit
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Thành viên VIP

I've never used an expired test kit before, but you should probably get a new, unexpired one to test in a few days - or check through blood test :)

6y trước

Thank you! Got new one and it is positive!

Why use a expired pregnancy kit and then ask such question? Use a non-expired one pls

Thành viên VIP

It’s likely to be positive. Wait for another week to confirm again. :)

I think you should try with another test kit as it may not be accurate.

Usually expired kit still works unless is expired for v v lo g

Thành viên VIP

Expired kits should work the same imo, likely to be positive

Hi. It looks like a weak positive. Please repeat in 2 days.

Influencer của TAP

Please buy another one and retest.

Thành viên VIP

get a new one and try again?