I felt my baby’s teeth coming!

Hi mommies! A few days back I noticed white white (tooth like) thingy in my baby’s gum (incisors) . Today while cleaning his gum I felt that area are protruding. I think he is teething 😍 any mommy knows roughly how long will it takes for the teeth to cut through the gum and how can I help to soothe the pain (if he experiences any?)🙏🏻❤️😁 #firsttimemummy

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Super Mom

Hey mama! This is the start of new experiences for both you and baby!!! I find that they tend to be a lot more experimental with food once the teeth kick in! Different baby’s take different durations for their teeth to cut through. I find that to help soothe baby’s gums, there’re a few great ways: 1) freeze wet towels in the freezer and rub them on the gums or let baby chew on them 2) alternatively get water filled tethers and freeze them and let baby chew on them 3) Dentinox worked for all my children! Just place a little on the finger and massage baby’s gums. It’s sweet so most of them don’t reject it 4) teething toys are a lifesaver! Oh, and you might find baby wanting to grab your hand or finger to chew on every now and then - it’s normal.

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