10 Replies

What worked for me - 1) not stressing about the end result and just enjoying the process. Remember it takes as long as it takes:) Take a vacay and just spend time with your partner. 2) Try to have IC every other day from 10th day of the periods start to 22nd day. You can also follow sperm meets egg method. 3) on days when you both are very tired, use a syringe. 4) do not get up immediately after IC. Use a sperm friendly lubricant. On the month I conceived, we had IC only 3 times. I got an UTI so had to take antibiotics. I gave up and went cycling 2-3 times. I spent $600 on hormonal tests and boom i got positive test 3 days later. So hang in there friend

Seriously just relax. Stress is not worth it, I understand that you feel eager to get pregnant but with that comes the overthinking… I find that when i stress about getting pregnant, its either i wont get pregnant until i chill the f out and stop thinking about it, or even when i did get pregnant, it was never a good outcome, like blighted ovum, miscarriage, Pprom… But when i just be calm, relaxed and not think of getting pregnant so much, boom 💥… even better, throughout the pregnancy i never had any complications… so just chill momma…

Stress plays a part! I quit my prev job cos it was too stressful for me and rested for a month at home. During this period I was jobless, I didn't care about the 12-14-16 day rule that my gynae gave us and we just did it whenever we felt like it. Of course I didn't chart down the days I was ovulating or when we had sex. Thankfully we got pregnant! So please, don't think much and just throw all thoughts out the window!

Sister thank you.. imma not gonna thinking too much. #sistrying

I was trying to conceive for the past 5 years.I tried eating folic acid,ovulation calculation method,ovulation strips and even TCM.But none of it worked for me.Just when I was unexpecting to get pregnant,I got pregnant. U just have to relax and not think about it. The more u think about it,the more stress u will be. Hope that u will get pregnant soon :)

Thank you ☺️ i will relax 💪

Yupss stress is the main culprit and i realised when youre too focused and stress about conceiving, itll be more harder to conceived. Try to go with the flow and try to relax more.

It’s like finding keys, when u look, it’s nowhere to be found, but when you aren’t, it suddenly appear! All the very best to you ya!

Very true! I was so stressed when i got married and few months i was too focused on tracking ovulation and trying to conceive. But it didnt happen, afterwhich i just try to let it go a little and not be so stressed about it, i managed to conceived !

I took supplements folid acid, Q10 and my Gyane gave us this drink to mix to heighten the ovulation.

What drink is that

Yup! Don’t stress and you will conceive! It happens in God’s perfect time 😊

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All the best!



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