Pregnant or not

My mom told me that I'm starting to eat alot & gained weight , i have no symptoms of pregnancy like morning sickness or etc BUT my boobs is sore & when i press my boobs there's like a milk and i did my pregnancy test all came out negative and it's been a month & yes gained weight and my tummy ISTG looks like I'm preggy lol ... Should i consult a doctor ? P.s my period hasn't come since last month ..

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hi there, yes I think you should consult a doctor. its quite uncommon that your boobs would be producing milk at such an early stage if you are pregnant. If you are pregnant, a home pregnancy test would be able to picked up positive from the day of your missed period. Unless you're so far along that a home pregnancy cannot detect due to a "hooked"/out of range effect. Best is to consult a doctor to confirm! take care!

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Yes please check with a doctor!