approaching first birthday, still cant stand

Mom... I'm really worried. My child is almost 1 year old (11 months) and still can't stand up... can sometimes stand with support, but still falls often. Not to mention standing, even when supported, they cry and just want to sit down. It's like they're scared. Why is that, mom... I want to take them to a pediatrician, but last time I went, I was scolded for supposedly not providing enough stimulation and not caring for my child. It's exhausting to be judged constantly. has anyone experienced the same?

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Hey there! I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling worried about your little one. It's totally normal to have concerns about your child's development, so please don't feel alone in this. Every child develops at their own pace, and some may take longer to reach certain milestones than others. It's great that your child can stand with some support, even if they still fall often. This shows that they are making progress, even if it's taking a bit longer than expected. It's also common for babies to feel a bit scared or unsure when trying new things like standing, so don't worry too much about that. As for the pediatrician's scolding, I'm really sorry you had to go through that. It can be exhausting and disheartening to feel judged as a parent, especially when you're doing your best. Remember that every child is different, and as long as you're providing love and care for your little one, you're doing a great job. If you're still feeling concerned, it might be a good idea to seek a second opinion from a different pediatrician. They may be able to provide a different perspective and offer support without judgment. You could also try reaching out to other parents who may have experienced similar situations for advice and reassurance. Hang in there, mom! You're not alone, and you're doing an amazing job. Keep supporting and encouraging your child, and remember to take care of yourself too. Sending you lots of warmth and positivity.

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no worries, old folks' tales saying that if your kid started walking after 1 yo, their life will be much easier.. my kid is already crusing for a month and is 10mo already.. there is no hard or fast rule, the most important thing is your kid is healthy, slow or fast, they will pick up with how you started to guide them.. i started around 7-8 mths when the crawling is better and putting my kid's feet on my feet while holding onto their hands and walk.. and when they are on the bed near to the wall, will tend to hold the wall and standup.. parents are also learning alongside with kids, so dont fret, just keep telling yourself that you are learning too! gambatte!

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give them some time.. for now just have standing time with support everyday as frequent as possible but don't force the baby. make it fun, sing a song. hold their hand while they take the baby steps. i was worried too when my boy didn't show any sign of readiness to walk. till I felt so stress. but eventually i let him be and enjoy seeing him crawl a little longer. he started to walk independently at 16 months old ? and since theb it's like a chasing game at home everyday

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My older child also can’t walk unassisted at 1 year old. She only started walking when she turned 18 months! We were also very worried and concerned. What we did was to slowly guide her to walk short distance to and fro. It also helps to set up a play pen for her so that she can hold onto the pole when she wants to stand up. Slowly but surely, I’m sure your child will be able to walk unassisted. Now my older one is 25months old and running everywhere.

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My baby started walking at about 11mo and I think putting her in a playpen (1.5x1.8) helped. She would hold on to the hanging support and pulled herself up into standing position, and eventually started cruising. Then soon she understood that the thick mat won’t hurt her that much even when she fell. Don’t feel defeated. Child raising will always seem to be harder to the responsible parents cause we care a lot!

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My kid is a late walker too, she started taking 2-3 steps at around 14.5m, I brought her to indoor playground and she probably got so excited and started brisk walking and little running too. ? From then at home she will start taking small steps and start walking without cruising along furnitures. Maybe try bringing your lo to indoor playgrounds too?

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my kidz also started after 12mo