Maternal diabetic... can't stop eating help

Mom, I'm currently 7 months pregnant... the doctor said my weight is already excessive. I'm advised to diet and especially stop eating sweets. I don't know why, but I just can't... I can't give up my favorite ice cream and chocolate. My husband gets angry all the time; he says I don't care about our baby. It's not like that... it's just that if I don't eat something sweet, I feel dizzy and I keep craving it.

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I have gestational diabetes and now 9 weeks after giving birth it is still here... I'm afraid it might stay forever, but I'm praying that it will go away within a few more weeks. Now you definitely need to follow your doctor's instructions. I suggest that you be a bit creative to satisfy your cravings but also control your sugar level. I got Sugalight ice cream (it is sugar free) and took only a scoop at a time and it didn't cause any spike in glucose reading. Diablo sugar free gummy is alright too, but I only took 10 gummies at a time. Change your snacks to nuts without dried fruits in case you feel hungry between meals. Don't skip your daily 30mins walk, it does make a difference. Caffeine does make your glucose level higher so try not to drink too much tea or coffee (perhaps it is diuretic, causing your blood to be thicker maybe).

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I can totally understand. I have gestational diabetics and taking insulin. Currently month 7 and hates the things I can eat, but still I realised that what I eat now can affect my whole future. I won’t say to totally stop eating everything that you like, but control the food intake. Find a way you can manage. Eat high fiber, high protein foods and eat your sweets as less as you can. Initially when I started controlling my diet, it was a bit hard for me, but I found a few things that works for me. Eg: I wanted to eat rice, so I found the rice with least sugar content and made a healthy home made chicken fried rice, the additional ingredients reduced the amount of rice.(this is my everyday lunch😅) I did a lot of research and found the things that I like and can eat and started controlling my temptations with those.

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I eat prata and teh tarik every single day. But I after getting the diabetic scare, I eat half prata and drink half teh tarik. cut your portions to half and perhaps use the sweets to reward yourself after a good nutritious meal. usually when we are full, our cravings drop. hang in there.. dont beat yourself too much for it. try what you can and try not to get so stressed. more stress, more cravings.

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You’re only feeling uneasy for a short period of time. But if this causes anything undesirable towards your baby, it may affect your baby for the rest of the lifetime. Choose.

4mo trước

Well said 👏

can I ask how much weight did you gain? I'm just 3 months now and on the heavier side as well. wondering what kind of weight gain is normal

maybe can try sweeteners or fruits. something which is sweet but, less sugar contain compare to chocolate and ice cream

try to eat apples or berries whenever you have those cravings. At least it's lower in sugar and healthier.

Influencer của TAP

try honey