Feeling sad

Hi mom ! Have you ever felt sad in early pregnancy? :( #4weeks

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Super Mom

Yes I did.. especially the first 10 weeks. It’s related a lot to the hormones, but if possible, try to take yourself out of stressful environments too, and regularly destress yourself. Take care dear ❤️ If you need someone to talk to, please email me at [email protected]

4y trước

Thank you so much for your support! I really appreciate it! I just confused and worry about get pregnant during this pandemic, and think no one care about me. Stay safe my friend!

Yes. I'm more of mood swing.. I kept thinking and thinking for nothing.. So moody until I felt down. So fortunate husband was so supportive. Make sure u communicate with ur husband especially so tat he understand u..

i emo all the way from 1st to 3rd trimester. happy i cry, sad also i cry.. BUT sometimes i tried to hold back & control my emotions.

Yeap, you'll experience moodswings during pregnancy. For me, i cry abt anything, anytime, anywhere. Haha idk why.

4y trước

Yess, i cried many times for no reasons haha i hope i'll be okay while this pandemic situation!

Thành viên VIP

I cried for even little things..thanks to hubby who was very supportive during my mood changes❤️

Thành viên VIP

Yes, cause hormonal changes, mood also change

Thành viên VIP

Yes and cranky all the time

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It's hormones!

Yess me too :(