Baby induced at week 40

Hi any mom here had induced delivery? I'm currently at week 39. I seen my gynae today and was told if I have no labour symptoms before my EDD I have to admit and induce.

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Super Mom

If baby’s getting big (compared to your pelvic size), then your gynae might ask you to induce instead of waiting longer than your EDD, so that you have a better chance of being able to push baby out. Of course, if you go into labour on your own, then the time in the delivery suite is also shorter. For induction, you’ll have a small tablet inserted into the vagina. That softens the cervix and gets it to dilate, prompting contractions. The duration of the process to enter active labour is highly variable.. from a couple of hours to >24 hours. If things are not moving along, they may insert a second tablet, or start an IV medicine to increase the contractions (you can request for pain relief prior). What’s most important is that you and baby are safe and healthy, so don’t worry so much and have a safe delivery!

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