Celebrating MOMS all day everyday 😍

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Celebrating MOMS all day everyday 😍
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my mom told me that everything will be alright, take it easy to look after kid. cherish the time with them. after become a mother then realized mother is not easy to be. happy mother's day! love you mum.

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Always remember to be at the same eye level as your child when talking about things seriously. They will cool down faster when your eyes are at the same level as them. Not a top down disciplinary. 😊

“I’m your mother and I’m always here for you, no matter how old you are. Now, even you’re a mother of 2, you (guys) are still my kids. No thank you needed because 我是你的妈妈” 🤍

"Never feel like you're not enough because you're more than enough." When you feel like you've achieved nothing, know that you've done well constantly filling your little one's cup

The best advice that my mom ever gave me is to be careful when in a relationship and take your time to understand your partner instead of diving straight deep into a relationship.

my mum always told me I am a mummy who isn't racist toward any country people and races, as we respect one another regardless of it. so show our respect and love toward them. 💕

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I cannot be the best mum to my children if I am depleted. Taking care of myself makes me a better mum because I parent from a place of abundance rather than a lack thereof.

there is no right or wrong in parenting. if thats what you believe in, then do it your way. many ppl can say many things, just filter thru and take the good ones will do.

You can't pour from an empty cup. Mummy should sleep when the baby sleeps. Getting sufficient rest allows you to recharge, reset and refocus on your baby and family.

Don't give up and don't compare with other. U will have something that is better too. And is okay to be slow and steady just don't give up and do your very best .