75 Replies
Happy Mother’s Day everyone ♥️ Best advice that my mum ever gave is to remember that the days are long, but the years are short - to remember that the hard phases pass and the good memories last forever ♥️ also, another tip is to remember it’s important to fill up your own tank before you can fill up others 🙊 something important to remember as a mum!
The best advice my mum gave me is take care of yourself and feed yourself first before caring for the baby. Same logic as why the plane as you to wear oxygen mask first before you wear for child. If you are sick you have no energy to take care of baby and can also pass on to baby . If you are in bad mood, you won't be happy taking care of baby.
The best advice from my mum is to spend more time with my child, especially during bedtime. I am the last person he sees before he sleeps and that has given us a special bond. I am also usually the one who wakes him up for childcare and therefore our bond is further strengthened with the quality time we spend together daily!
The best advice my mom gave was to enjoy my breastfeeding journey, I'm now a mom to my baby. I now have the responsibility and patience to take care of, be calm and she is always a call away if I need help or guidance. This makes me cry and happy. I'm glad and grateful to have her as my mom. ❤️I love you mummy!
My Mom taught me to always work hard for the family at whatever you do.I learned this from the way she lived her life and still does to this day. She always goes above and beyond in her work and her personal life for others.Be positive, patience and always have a grateful heart. @reinalyn
Nasihat yg ibu sy berikan adalah banyakkan bersabar dalam membesar anak mmg pelbagai cabaran yang perlu dihadapi dgn perlu berkorban masa dan tenaga tak mengapa lah asalkan anak membesar dengan sihat . Mama jugak selalu menasihati sy untuk jujur dan amanah bila berkerja . alhamdulillah
The best advice my mom given me is to make your own decision and be firm with it. You decide your own life. So I am pregnant, and my mom encourage me to keep this baby to despite the whole world want me to abort as I would be a single mom. And I am not regretting to keep this baby!
The best advice my mom give is saying this. You will never have to live this day again. Because tomorrow will be a better day. This was said on my very first memorably bad day, coming home from school and unable to stop sobbing. I reuse it whenever I need to cheer someone
The best advice my nanay told me is to always pray and that it is okay to ask for help whenever I feel overwhelmed. I love how she’s very open to what really motherhood is, and how she prepares me for the battles I never knew I would face. Indeed, Mothers knows best!
Wish for the best, plan for any accident! Haha. Having baby is something very new and challenging to me and my husband. Thanks to my MIL, we are slowly improve ourselves as parents to take care my LO! Just learn along the way tgt with my LO to unlock some new skills!