5 Replies

Be patient. What I have learnt from my experience is that we should not become agitated with small things like these in life. How does it matter if you do something 5 minutes early than what you like to do. I mean unless it is creating huge problems in your life then speak up, of course, but if doesn't matter, do it. With time she will also understand that she should not push things for no reason. As you said, she is nice, then you can sit with her and can make her politely understand.

i think the only way to solve this thing is to tell her clearly. tell her that you are an easygoing person and are aware of your responsibilities. tell her that everyone has their own way of doing things and you will do things your way. but i would also suggest that you speak to your husband and make him understand your side, so that he does not feel you are being unreasonable

I think you should tell her nicely that you have your way of living and a different nature and lifestyle than hers and you do things your style. If she has come to live with you, then better ignore her as it will be a matter of few days, but if she is living with you then you should express yourself, as you can not live in pretence.

there are only two ways to handle this - either tell her directly but nicely that you are a grown up and are set in your ways, just as she is in hers, and that this is how you like to do things and will continue. the second way is to ignore. make sure you are firm but polite and clear at the same time.

i think u shud frankly tell her wat u feel...tell her politely...dat u like to do ur work in ur way only...so dnt giv instructions..u are her family member not d maid..start doing ur work in ur own styl..

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