Changing Job During Maternity Leave

Hi all, my maternity leave at the current company is ending in 2 weeks. I just got a new job offer and would like to change job. Has anyone been in the same situation? Would it be possible if I don't come back to the current work or do I still have to serve 1 full month notice period after coming back? I just feel like I already handed over my work prior to the maternity leave and they're used to not having me there already, then I just come back for a short while to catch up and then leave again. Feels a bit weird. If possible I'd just like to take annual leave until my next job starts so I get a bit more time with the little one. Would it be allowed? And do you think it's irresponsible to do so?

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Hi, it depends on what is stated in your contract with current employer. Since you have got a job offer, perhaps you could ask if you can join them after serving your notice? Do remember that your prospective employer will also be observing how you handle this situation.