makanan pertama
Mammi2 yg ada pengalaman boleh cadang kn x mkn utk bby sya... lgi 3 munggu nak mkn.. mkn pagi...mkn tengah hari...mkn mlm... kudapan apa yg bagus

As a start I only fed my lil one once a day in the afternoon (a few teaspoon or 2oz max of solid food). Speak to your paediatrician for further advice and guidance, every child is different :) mama knows best ! Here’s a few to get you started 🤗 - Plain porridge (Blend halus) + Breastmilk or Fm (4 days rule) - Sweet potato purée + Bm or Fm (4 days rule) - pumpkin purée + Bm or Fm (4 days rule) - carrot purée + Bm or Fm (4days rule) - pear purée (4 days rule) - Apple purée (4 days rule) - Avocado’s and the list goes on .. Best of luck and have fun mama !
Đọc thêmMknn pertama seeloknya bubur nasi kosong... Blend halus campur ebm.. Jgn start dgn buah2 sbb buah ada rasa manis... Guna prinsip 4days rules.. Klu xde apa mcm naik merah2 ke apa ke means baby boleh tolerate la dgn makanan tu..
Follow baby food malaysia kt fb..sane byk idea2 n info2 utk makanan sihat utk baby
Bubur nasi kosong
Bubur halus blend
Dlu 1st time sye guna 4 day rules dkt ank sye setiap kali intro mknan dkt dia.. Sbb nk tau dia ada allergic apa2 ataupun tak.. 4 hari bubur kosong.. Dh lulus bleh tambah lauk n sayur sikit.. Kalau ank mkn 2 3 suap pon okay dh.. Sbb baru2 mkn lg.. ☺️
Queen of 2 rambunctious junior