Dressing infant

Hello mamas, FTM mum here, appreciate if you can share your experience! How did you dress your newborn during the day? My CN dressed my baby in long sleeves, all swaddled up and only with lowest fan turned on. I wonder if baby will feel too warm for SG’s hot weather. CN kept saying “it’s ok”, my mum kept saying “baby cannot catch a chill”… i get it but I am concern if baby will overheat? :(

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I've never dressed up my kids or my 8 mth old infant when they were newborn like that during the day but I do swaddle them because of startle reflex but I don't swaddle 24/7. I only dress my baby in long sleeves and pants at night and also swaddle cos we sleep with the A/C on. Do observe your baby. SG is humid and I don't think that kind of dressing suits the day. The swaddle is fine but maybe change to a romper.

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3y trước

thank you so much for the insight! :)