Placenta “Posterior cover os” - tell me more

Low lying placenta - anyone has experience with this? On our FTS report it says under Placenta: Posterior cover os. Haven’t gone over the report with the doctor yet, but tried getting a maternity insurance meanwhile and was rejected because of it. After some research, found out it’s low-lying placenta which, if unresolved by third trimester, may pose a risk of placenta previa. That’s when the placenta blocks the opening of your uterus so that the baby cannot be born vaginally. Our next appointment with the doctor is in 2 days, and we’ll ask all our questions then. But for now just wanted to know: how risky is this and how many of you managed to get this resolved naturally and how many didn’t? Apparently if it’s bad enough, I will need bed rest and must avoid strenuous activities, sex included (my poor fiancé lol). Any input is much appreciated! Thanks all! Update 3 Oct: Saw the doc today, she said that all pregnancies begin with low-lying placenta. It should move up by the next scan at Week 20 (in 6 weeks). Nothing to be alarmed about, just be careful not to run/jog, do weights more than 5kg, and not to have sex (how???). Hopefully everything will go well in the next 6 weeks!

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My placenta was low too during the 1st half of my pregnancy. I went for a prenatal massage and it went well. Do not worry as there’s still time for it to move up.