Looking for a preschool that focuses strongly on Mandarin. Any recommendation?

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Here are 2 schools you can consider: 1. Mindchamps preschool in Tampines Central, offers the same curriculum and enrichment as the brand’s other centres, but delivers it primarily in Mandarin. Playground and Nursery 1 level children will have 90 per cent Mandarin exposure, Nursery 2 children have 70 per cent, and Kindergarten 1 and 2 kids will be exposed to 60 per cent in preparation for Primary 1. It has also added a Chinese Culture Appreciation programme to give preschoolers insight into China’s history and culture through clay modelling, Chinese painting and calligraphy, Chinese theatre, Chinese chess and Chinese tea. Fees start at $1,680 per month. 2. ETONHOUSE at 681 BUKIT TIMAH Unlike Etonhouses's other centres, kids in Nursery 1 and 2 here undergo full Mandarin immersion – the teachers speak nothing but Mandarin to them, even if students use English to respond. In K1 and K2, the kids move to a bilingual environment, where each class has two teachers – one English-speaking and the other Mandarin-speaking – so they can develop English skills in preparation for formal schooling, without losing the strong Mandarin foundation they’ve built. As part of its Mandarin focus, Chinese culture and arts are also incorporated in lessons. The centre offers only three-hour preschool services with the option of morning or afternoon sessions. Fees start at $2,100 per term (10 weeks).

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