Looking for an affordable permanent car seat for newborn onwards - rear facing and forward.. Any reviews on Joie Stages or Britax? What else should I look out for and where is the best place to purchase for good deal - Taka/Metro/Robinson or during Baby Fairs? Thanks in advance!

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Would also like to add, for those considering to buy used car seats, here's a good summary of what to look out for: http://thecarseatlady.com/used-and-borrowed-car-seats/. This article is written by certified child passenger safety technicians based in America. One key thing that many may not know, look out for whether the car seat has expired. Yes, car seats do expire! Typically about 5-10 years from date of manufacture. They are after all made of plastic and foam that may degrade with time (and with exposure to heat/sunlight), reducing its ability to absorb shock away from the child during a crash.

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Look for one with a high weight limit for rear facing. Because young children are 5 times less likely to be seriously injured when rear facing as compared to front facing. Here's a video that helps explain that: https://youtu.be/sssIsceKd6U I like Joie Stages because it can rear face from birth to 18kg and is rather inexpensive, usually about $340. Can be cheaper if you find them at baby fairs. There's a newer model now - Joie Every Stage. Also rear face to 18kg, front face to 36kg (vs 25kg for Stages), $400.

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I'm using Joie Stages and I think it's value for money to buy brand new as it can be used from newborn with double inserts rear facing, to single insert for older babies/toddlers and.. without any inserts and front facing for children.

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We went for Joie Jemm. It is around SGD 200, and is airline certified. It feels more robust than maxi cozi and the kid sleeps instantly in it. The downside is, it is a bit heavy.

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Thành viên VIP

Hi... you might find this article informative https://sg.theasianparent.com/best-car-seats

I do have a preloved car seat if u 1. Self pick up at Choa Chu Kang Central.

For newborn, it should be facing rear..

Thành viên VIP

We use the britax. No complaints

Thành viên VIP

You can try Carousell