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Super Mum

I trained my LO since 6 months old. When she was younger, we buckled her up in the high chair (5-point harness type at home and 3-point type at the grandparents’ places), and she couldn’t leave till the meal was done. When she was a bit older, if she tried to climb out of the chair, she would get scolded. She doesn’t use TV or iPads at all, so when she was distracted, we would have to engage her by talking/singing/shaking random items to get her attention. All those was between the age of 6 months and 2 years. Now, at 3 years +, she’s so well-trained that she doesn’t even need to be buckled up. She knows the high chair is her dining chair and she stays till the meal is done. Some time outs (when she throws tantrums) are also done in the high chair because she’ll stay in the seat. At this age, we have to continue to engage her by talking (a lot) during meals, sometimes singing, and frequently giving reminders to take the next spoon of food. I think there’s a mixture of firmness/scolding and putting in the effort to engage the child. We, too, need to put away our phones/devices during meal times. The children watch and learn. It was very tiring/frustrating initially, but I think it’s worth it:) Your child’s 15 months old.. once they reach the threenager age, they start arguing with you and coming up with their own rationale for everything. So it’s good to enforce these things before that happens. Heh.

I have the same problem and I am afraid I may have cultivated bad habit sigh..I used to put her in a high chair at the table during meal but she gets restless and did not even want to eat after a few minutes. So I moved her to the exersaucer and placed her in front of the tv to distract her. I know this is so wrong. But I really need her to start eating more . We usually don't eat together at the same time even for dinner so it is hard to cultivate the habit of sitting at the table to eat tog with adults . Maybe I should start now. She is 13mths. When we went on a cruise or go out , we have to give her YouTube to distract her while we eat .

Careful with videos lest she gets hooked on them during meal time. I let my fil do that with my girl and for a while she was hooked on it. Terrible mistake. She would even point at my phone when I didn't give it to her. Decided enough was enough. Slowly weaned her off by giving her a few toys. Then slowly take away some toys until left with one on the table. She still has bad days but I try not to give in and let her watch videos. I sing to her and distract her with questions instead.

Sigh I am also vexed by the situation. My girl is a very fussy baby. Can't sit still before she could walk now even worse. When we eat out there is no way to Keep her occupied at the table while we eat. And no one helps to entertain her while I am busy preparing the food . I really have no idea how to keep her at the high chair . At home we sometimes eat in front of tv and sometimes she wan to get out of the exersaucer . It is really all the bad habits but I think all kids are different. We tried to be strict with her but she just won't stay still and I need her to eat her food. Sigh

I feel u. I'm also in the same situation as you...doing all the things that we shouldn't. But ultimately we just want her to eat right. My girl is not putting on weight ideally so we do whatever we can to make her eat. Sometimes I do feel stressed out to be in this situation, being judged, and giving her too much screen time. My mum and MIL is taking care of her, and they started giving her to easy way out. We tried to fix it now, but it's really tough. She's 15 months already.

at 6 months, i have conditioned my baby that if it's meal time she will be seated on her high chair. that meals will only be eaten when she is seated there. am very proud that if she saw me preparing her food or she feels hungry, she will climb up her high chair and wait for me bring her food to her. I don't allow her to watch on youtube, and I don't use my phone during her meal time to establish bonding and discipline as well. it's a matter of conditioning and routine.

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Mine is turing 15mths in days NVR likes to sit in baby chair ... always on my lap n 2 to 3 mouth of feeding she WILL WAKE UP ON MY LAP N DANCE DANCE DANCE she need her fav nursery tunes to be on tv n depends on individuls day is different songs ... she will keep dancing Oohhhhh WHOLE MEAL TIME IS DAILY A EXERCISE FOR US .... pheewwwwwww

Use a highchair. It is very important that during meal times. Everyone is seated down. That means if she kicks a fuss you will have to fight it out. See who win Lor in a way. If you allow her to get her way, it will get harder each time. Once you have stood your ground, it will get better each time.

My son at 13 months starts to fidget and want to be put down halfway through his meal. For a while, he will sit and finish his meal as long as he feeds himself (the mess though 🤣😁😂) Now at 15 months, he will even stand and attempt to jump. He is too energetic, I have to feed him while he plays.

In my case, my child prefer the spoon to go straight to her mouth, otherwise she would push it away. Also, I gives her something that occupies her hands like a bottle with cap and ask her to open it. The basic idea is to give your child something that interest him/her.

I put my own plate full of meal and his bowl beside. He sit on his own booster chair beside mine. We eat together and I feed him while I have my own meal. Sometimes he feed me back by his hand. Toddler love to copy adult..

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Different babies different technics. I used to give my girl an empty bowl and spoon to pretend she’s feeding herself. She is able to sit through the whole meal. Sometimes I also let her hold the food that I’m feeding her and that interest her too.

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