My lo is turning 6months in a few days, and she use to be able to sleep thru waking up only once for a feed. Recently, she has been waking up every 1-2hours to cry(sometimes inconsolable), which becomes very disruptive now, does anyone has similar experience & can share why? Could it be coz of milk change as that is the only change recently (from stage 1 to stage 2 nan)

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Hi, the sleeping pattern of a baby changes throughout their growing up stage. Is there any changes to the environment or increase of noise to the surrounding? Unlikely due to changing of milk if its the milk likely chance of loose stools. Baby might feel insecure thus keep waking up. U can assure baby by talking to baby to let them know u r just beside them. Both my kids still wake up in the mid of the night. Then I will tell them to lie down and sleep once they heard my voice they will stop crying and go back to sleep. Hope it helps.

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8y trước

There is no change of environment or increase of noise, but ya it seems like she is very insecure..and when she wakes up she doesnt really know how to self sooth thats why will keep crying for us to attend to her. I still cant figure out why the sudden change in her sleep cycle when she use to be able to sleep through.