Cranky 1 month baby

My lo just turn one month and currently one month and 2 weeks. She's about 6 weeks now For the past few days, she's been very cranky. No matter what I do it doesn't please her. Change her diapers, feed her, put her to sleep but she still cry. I don't think it's colic as I burp her after every feed. Any idea how to calm her down or why she's like that? I starting to feel distant from my baby for a couple of days, due to lack of sleep and I have been super duper mentally exhausted. No one really helped me at home. Idk how to handle this already I'm starting to lose myself. I'm just worried I do anything that will hurt my lo. #1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp #advicepls #depressionisreal

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I totally understand how you feel. as I experience the exact same thing too. finally brought her to yuguo a tcm at kembangang and was told I had overfed her which led to indigestion. which cause her to be super cranky and irritated. I lengthen the timing between each feed and shorten her latching time too. together with tunai at the clinic and some herbal patch tt they provide, her condition has improved tremendously. she's able to sleep through the night currently and much less cranky.

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forgot to mention, there was a night when she was fussing so much tt I was contemplating throwing her out of the window. tt when I realise I need to seek help and ask my parents to help look after her at times or when her cries are too much for me to bear. thankfully my parents stay with me and are willing to help. stay strong and be positive. there's a silver lining behind the clouds.