Not Finishing Milk

Hello my LO suddenly stop finishing her milk. She is 6 months and I feed her 3 - 4 hourly 180 ml but she will leave 30 - 60 ml and does not wanna drink anymore. Anyone has the same experience? She is taking solid food well tho. Fully on FM.

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My lo likes to leave 30ml in every feeding too. I think it's the bottle pressure problem. He will only finish the whole bottle when he is extremely hungry in the midnight or I have to manually lossen the cap and tighten it back to release the pressure

Super Mom

That’s normal:) my LO’s milk intake dropped after she started solids too. Gradually we cut down on the number of milk feeds as the solid intake increased.. from 6-7 feeds a day to 4-5 feeds.

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If her weight is normal, I think it's okay.

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Maybe she is full from solid food