How much ebm for a 8 months old?

My Lo is having 2 meals and 6 feeds (160ml per feed) a day. I worry if he’s not taking enough.

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Thành viên VIP

As long as your child is growing and feeding well, it’s alright. My babies eat very little too but they are growing and healthy. If you’re really concerned, bring your child to see a doctor.

Super Mom

My LO couldn't drink more than 120ml per feed at that age. Every child is different:) as long as yours is peeing well, and also taking solids, that's fine

Thành viên VIP

Seems ok, cause close to 1 litre, once they get onto solid, the milk intake will drop. Don’t worry, feed on demand and make sure pee & poo is health

Thành viên VIP

Every child is different. We don't want to over feed them is bad. They they full is their instincts to stop

My 8 month old girl is having 160ml x 5 feeds with 3 small meals. So about the same as yours.

Super Mom

Shld be fine coz every child is different. My Lo has nv hit 900ml a day.

Thành viên VIP

I think it’s enough since you’re feeding him solid food twice a day

Thành viên VIP

So your lo is having 960ml of milk a day? That’s fine :)

Thành viên VIP

Sounds ok to me. It's fine since he's also on solids