2mo baby flipping

My LO has just learned to flip a few days back. He used to do it with a lot of grunting and yelling, but had become quite good at quietly flipping today. He likes to do this at night (I don't know if he wants to sleep on his stomach) but he is only 2.5mo and cannot hold his head up for more than 2mins. Any advice please on how to create a safe environment for him and if he will suffocate coz his neck isn't strong enough yet? Relatives have advised to put pillows at his sides to stop him rolling but online advice was to remove all blankets and pillows in case he suffocates. These online advice seems to be for 4-6mo which is the usual age for rolling over though, I'm not sure if they apply for my LO.#pleasehelp #1stimemom

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Did you make any changes to your baby’s sleeping environment? My baby is 7 weeks old and so far he hasn’t slept long stretches in his empty crib :( so it’s really tiring for me to Keep picking him up when he fusses at night.

2y trước

Yes it's super tiring. I didn't make any changes, I see an article that sleep positioners were recalled in the US because they caused a few infant deaths so its still bare now. I can't put him in a blanket so we are putting him in long sleeves and socks (we have aircon 24/7). before he started flipping we swaddle him and he could sleep for 3h to his next feed; by then all his limbs will be out (he grunts a lot struggling to get free) but we just ignore that and his eyes are closed throughout.