Excessive spit out

Hi All - My LO has been spitting out almost after every feed even after we sit him upright for about 30 mins. At first , we thought due to overfeeding but he's only 3 weeks old and barely finish 60 ml during feeding. He was warded to KKH before due to excessive spit out. All they did was monitor him and discharge after 2 days. I just fed him formula milk about 20-30 ml and burped him. Put him down about 5 mins and he spit out almost half of it. Worried mummy 😭😣

Excessive spit out
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Hi mummy, u can try burping him at least twice and rub some balms on the tummy. My son had similar encounter.

my son also was like that during first few months. now he is OK. observe your baby and his weight gaining.