Hi, no problem with the Instant food. Because it contains all the vitamins etc that baby needs now. Maybe should let the baby try fresh food like banana? Just mash it, dont need to cook. And other food that dont need to cook like Avocado, prune, silken tofu. U can mix to the cereal so that baby can try more flavor of food. Some time, i will mix oatmeal gerber with banana, oatmeal gerber with avocado/prune. I just use fork to mash the prune.
You can also buy fruit purees (Gerber/Heinz/Bellamys, etc) and even things like ready made meat based food for babies eg. Heinz’s beef and vegetable casserole. This gives baby a variety of tastes/textures and nutrients. I also let my LO have baby biscuits eg. Baby bites and yoghurt melts/Gerber puffs
There're many bottled pastas for babies in the supermarket. They can be fed from 8 months onwards. It'll be good to start introducing textured food to baby.
Yes, it’s fine to feed cereals which has fortified iron for now. You can start making food when you have your own place :)
Baby will get sick of it very soon. Why not get food pouch
Good to try a variety of fruits and veggie
Try simple fruits like banana and avocado