My lo is 6 months plu and he doesn't flip but he keep using his leg strength and head to push his body backwards, sometimes when he push till his head hit the pillow he still wants to push himself backwards ~ anyone lo also like this?

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hee.. sounds cute and seemed like he has some great powerful leg muscles there! ;) Does sounds like he will be flipping over soon. You can try sitting on his side when he is on his tummy and chat with him. Hold something for him to reach for that will require him to pivot to one side. When he does flip over, praise him so that he would be motivated to try again. May help to learn the idea of flipping over. :)

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Hi there, reckon your child is heading towards the flipping stage. He is figuring out how to do it. My cousins baby does the same thing and we find it funny. His mom would place a toy on baby's dominant side and prompt baby to flip over.

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