Transition of milk. No poo.

LO is 3 months old is has to change formula milk due to difficulty in finding the milk due to the recall. (Enfamil). Changed to Fiscolac gold. LO able to sleep well, lil cranky but pacify him and he will be ok. He just wants to be carried. However, have yet to poo and is more than 24 hours. Tried cycle massage him as well but still no poo. Is this normal for milk transition?

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hi, I would say wait abt 4-5 days to deduce that it's constipation. cuz it could just be your baby's body adjusting to this new formula milk. you can also try applying minyak telon on Lo's tummy during every diaper change and notice if stomach is hard (this is a sign of constipation). also can give a warm shower while adding some pressure onto lower tummy and see if baby poos... if really constipation then maybe you can choose to change to another brand.

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ok thanks!