trying to lift head

my lo is 20days old and she tries to lift her head whenever i put her tummy facing down on my chest! Does anyone else's lo do this too?

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Its good that she’s doing it at such early stage. My son couldnt be bother even though he does tummy time every day. He even “failed” his 3rdmth assessment due to unstable neck control.

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Yup, my daughter would always be curious and want to lift her head to see my face in her first couple of months. Enjoy the moments. Take lots of photos

it is very normal. They are just curious about their surrounding environments and feel like exploring it

Thành viên VIP

Yes my lo done the same .. he started on hi15th day of his born actually ..

yeap its normal. they are curious and checking out their surroundings. :)

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Yes it's normal, and she's strengthening her neck muscles

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It’s perfectly normal. My little one does this too.

Super Mom

Yes. Mine did that too.

Yeah its normal :)

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Yes its normal