My lo is 12 weeks old. He has started to eat/sucks his hands n fingers about 3 weeks ago. Also, saliva drools frm his mouth. Whenever i cradle him, he will start to suck my left forearm. I am a ebm mum. Is my lo teething? But its too early. I tried to stop him frm eat/suck his hands. Should i let him be n this is passing phase?

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Baby's mouth has the most nerve endings than any part of his body so this is his way of exploring the world around him. My lo also puts everything in his mouth, including my hair :-) He will grow out of it as he becomes more agile and his other senses begin to develop more and more. There is nothing we can do about it but to let is pass its own course. My lo also does not like pacifier but she found her fingers! :-) And also, I keep soft teething toy at hand all the time. It helps too.

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