Hospital care plan for 2nd birth onwards

Hi! Would like to find out your hospital care plans for your older children when you are in hospital for delivery. I’m due in about 2 months and my No.1 will be turning 2years by then. Very attached to me, always wanting me to do everything (shower, routine care, sleep) and will resist when the dad wants to help (can’t even pat to sleep as baby will say no, mama pat to sleep). We have help options (currently staying with in laws, my mum’s place is also avail) but we are hoping to reduce the changes needed for my #1, so trying not to make her sleep elsewhere except in our room. Hub wants to accompany me in hosp, so he suggested my child to sleep either with my in laws or at my mum’s place. I suggest him to be home with #1, and just witness the labour but don’t have to sleepover at the hosp with me. Really need some advices and experiences from everyone. This is causing me a bit of a stress and worry...

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I had the same issue back on Feb but my youngest was 10 yrs old and very attached to both husband and me. Was really worried when I had to be admitted early and stayed in the hospital for more than a week. It was really unplanned and both husband and I had not planned anything yet prior to that. Like how and where will the kids go to but thankful my in-laws kept telling us to put our kids in their home while we both focus on delivering our newborn. So after school, all my kids will go to their paternal grandparents house which is only 2 bus stops away from us. My husband came to visit me daily after work and will fetch them home after that. The night I delivered my baby, my husband only witnessed the labour of our baby and went home about an hr or 2 after that to fetch the older kids home cos they have school the next day. This has never been done before with our older kids. Usually he'll stay until I was pushed to the maternity ward to rest. So I was all alone in the delivery suite after that. Basically you'll be too exhausted with all the pushing, you just don't care if anyone is around after that and all you want to do is sleep. So yup, your plan is good.

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u are lucky to have in-law and parents around☺ our family members all in oversea. mine is plan csec, so I will be sending my son to Child Care and hubby will take care him after 7pm at home, I will be alone with newborn at hospital

i am facing this issue too. Actually with no help. So if baby choose to come out during #1 no school, then i will have to go deliver alone.

3y trước

Me too :(