OGTT in KKH (Subsidised) Process

Hi, Will like to check how will the procedures / process be for an OGTT test in KKH as a subsidised. Will then be any chance can see ultrasound of baby that day? Thanks.

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It will just be OGTT with seeing doctor for consultation otherwise just OGTT. They will let you know for any upcoming appt if needed for ultrasound. Usually, 1st tri x 1 appt, 2nd tri x 1 appt, 3rd tri x 1 appt. OGTT will require you to fast. After 8pm no food/no drink except plain water. You will get your morning slot as early as the Clinic C open up. Afterwhich, 1hr apart of blood taking. Then, after last blood taking then you can consume food. If you vomit or eat during this OGTT, you will be required to come back.

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2y trước

the slip of paper says midnight though