Pumping on the go

hi, would like to ask if anyone has experience pumping  on the go? I do not have an office and my work requires me to meet clients outside. so, basically the only place I could pump or store my milk will be in the car. help!!! I have no idea how to go about that and am super stress about it now.

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Every time i work outside i bring with me: -My handsfree breastpump (double & silence type). I even do the pumping while meeting clients. When they notice it, I’d say something like “sorry my daughter is 6m old, i need to do this for her” & theyre totally okay w that. But most of the times they dont even realize that im pumping cos kudos those silence bpump! -Gabag cooler bag with its ice gels, storage milk/bottle. Im currently using jarvis cos it can fit my laptop as well. I also have petunia & passion which can fit double breastpump & use them depending on my works conditions. My bfm can last longgggg sometimes after 12hrs half of each ice gel still frozen. I really like this brand. Me too always tuang menuang in the car when it’s hot outside. The more you put ice gels the longer your bfm can chill -My oversized blazer/coat to cover my breasts when pumping (i use bearmom, theyre quite bulky. If you want slim type, try numom but for me i dont like double bpump with those tube)

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jangan stress². dulu masa sy kerja pun selalu juga pump on the go sbb perlu jumpa supplier semua. 1. guna pam jenis handsfree. 2. guna nursing cover kalau perlu terutamanya masa nak pasang/cabut pam. 3. dalam cooler bag tu siap² alas keliling dengan kain/mini towel. 4. guna ice gel block lebih tahan lama. 5. letak 1 atau 2 ice pack gel dekat bawah ice block gel (ikut muat letak berapa). 6. sebelum tutup cooler bag, boleh letak 1 atau lebih lagi ice pack kat atas. kalau tak nak boleh skip. 7. tutup dengan 1 lagi kain/mini towel sebelum tutup cooler bag. ni pun optional. 8. sebolehnya jangan tinggalkan cooler bag dalam kereta. kalau jumpa client tak sampai sejam boleh la tinggalkan cooler bag dekat kaki seat belakang. 9. turunkan sikit je cermin kereta nak bagi ada pengudaraan. ni apa yg selalu sy buat 👆🏻 susu pun ok je sejuk even sampai rumah dalam pukul 7-7.30 malam. harap boleh membantu 😊

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1. Have more than 1 set of pump that is handsfree 2. Cooler bag. Buy the ones that is slightly bigger so u can store more. If u want compact, store breastmilk in the ziplock storage instead of bottle. Also ziplock one can cool of milk faster. 3. Ice pack can last 8-10 hours depending on your type. 4. Travel size bottle cleaner and dry tissue (in case u need to wipe dry and re use the pump after wash) 5. Tumbler with hot water (in case u need to “steril”) this is of course optional cez u have the soap. Additional : find handsfree pump that have lesser parts to rinse. And dont forget nursing cover mommy. U can do it!!

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8mo trước

Also if u want to store ur breastmilk in a car, letak dibawah seat or tempat redup yang tak kena direct sunlight ya.

Hi, mom. You need to have a lot of ice pack or ice block. Better use ice gel. And store inside cooler bag.

any recommendations for wearable breast pump yang lightweight and with good suction?

Dont strezz mummy.. Mummy bleh pakai handsfree.. Senang dan memudahkan

8mo trước

guna cooler bag. simpan susu n breast pump kt situ. jgn tinggal beg dlm kereta

pkai yg wearable pump. so blh pam bila2 masa n kt mana2 je.

Hi, kalau nak pump dalam pesawat macam mana ya? AirAsia dan MAS

2mo trước

Sis. Follow @nadmasrom di IG. She's one of the certified lactation counselor. Beliau ada share pumping while traveling. Latest post ni pun beliau ada share pumping while traveling to Japan.