Confinement Nanny - Yay or Nay?

Hi Ladies, as im approaching my 3rd trimester im having a lot of people ask me if we are getting a confinement nanny, or that we absolutely need one etc. My mum told me she got by all 3 kids without getting one, and my partner and i are sorta against strangers in our place for a month. Hes an amazing cook and will be taking the first month off when baby arrives. I guess my question is how essential is having a confinement nanny? And did any of you mummies not have one and got along just okay? Thk you!

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Hi, honestly if you get a good CN, they really can help you alot, so you can get more rest. But if your concern mostly because againts strangers, better no need. I hv a few friends, they said able to handle newborn baby for early 1month without CN, but surely will need to do it tgt with your partner. They said, the most important thing to do with newborn is bath time & feeding baby, the rest baby will sleep.. anyway not sure too, i havent go through with it yet, but i believe if other mom able to do it, means we will able to go through that way too.. ☺️ and for the food during confinement, you can book for 28days, so hubby can more relax n help you more..

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