Baby hate dad

This keep on happening for quite awhile now. For background story, there are days that my wife can quite drained and just wanna tuck in for bed during the night. However, on occasions our baby can woke up during the night. I tried countless of time to get her back to sleep, doing exactly how my wife did but to no avail. The baby keep on crying till her mother pick her up. Anyone can help me what I’m supposed to do to help my wife get some rest? Been feeling rejected right now. Edit: Hi thank you everyone for helpful advice. It’s been great. I tried most of the suggestions. Although, ultimately our baby still need her mom to sleep at night. But during the day, i make sure that my wife have plenty of rest and use swing or bouncer to get the baby sleep during the day. Things been going great lately. Thank you all for the help.

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awak boleh cuba belajar feeding que baby awak. mean jgn tunggu smpi baby menangis terus baru bg susu. kalau ada masa terluang cuba awak byk kn masa awak dgn baby. supaya baby awak kenal awak lebih rapat. my husband n i pjj. but when he coming home almost all my baby thing i let him handle. mean mandi kan baby, baby berak dia basuh.. mlm pon sama, husband akan bancuh susu utk baby. dia akan main dgn baby. mmg handphone mostly dia xkn pgg if dia balik. so mmg kalau monthly dia balik tu baby dh kenal dia. xkn takut.

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