My boy 17month ice cream lover

Ixxit oksy if i give him eat ice cream everyday ? I been giving him yogurt . But his dad give him ice cream once a day due to his teethering

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When my LO was teething, I kept teethers in the fridge. Froze my BM into cubes in a food cube tray with lid. I also rubbed and massaged her gums as she gnaws on my finger. Can also get those pacifier where you can put fruits in it and freeze/refrigerate it.

personally for me id wait out on the sweet stuffs. u can give frozen fruit puree instead or just frozen fruits. or mix them w greek yoghurt for like a diy “ice cream” or u can youtube or pinterest it many other ways to help them w teething.

Thành viên VIP

i usually avoid cold drinks/foods because I'm worry of asthma. once awhile is fine to let them try variety of foods. yogurt at room temp is a good idea 💡

Try frozen blended fruit instead? Or frozen bm/fm. Ice cream every day sounds like too much of an indulgence. 😅

Not everyday. Try to look up other alternatives. There are so many online like frozen fruits.

Super Mom

not ok in my opinion. but is really up to you. since you mention your baby is teething.

Not ok imo. There’s many other alternative