Using headphones for pregnancy
Hi All I've seen pregnant moms using headphones for their pregnant belly. Anyone used it before? Can I use any type of headphones or are there specific type?

I don’t think you really need to use headphones. That’s a little bit extreme. I doubt the sound travels to the baby the same way it does for direct contact with adult ears. I believe atmospheric/environmental music is enough.
Yes I seen mommies doing that during pregnancy period. There’s no specific brand to choose from, just don’t switch on the music too loud I think there will do the trick.
BellyBuds are specialized speakers that gently adhere to your baby bump and allow you to safely play memory-shaping sound directly to the womb.
I just played music on regular speakers. I knew it worked cos my baby used to prefer Bon Jovi songs 😂😂 (or I thought she did!)
I put my hp on top of my stomach n play the YouTube baby song n let my baby listen to it, my baby will move n kick mi.
I didn’t. Cause when you go gynae they will show you. I try to make it a relax one and focus on my well being 😂
Hi... you might find this article informative
Thanks for the info :)
any headphone can work 👍
Any headphones will work.
Excited to become a new mum