I am torn between this 3 gynae. Anyone have experience with any of them?
I've been reading about Dr Marianne Hendricks, Dr Pamela Tan and Dr Choo Wan Ling. Not sure who to go with. I'm currently 8 weeks pregnant. Anyone can share experiences with any of these gynae pls? #pleasehelp #firstbaby #firsttimemom

hi, though u probably can’t find much reviews about Dr Marianne online, I highly recommend her from recent personal experience. I have absolutely no regrets going for her and will stick to her in future. Sharing my personal story here: I actually decided on Mount A Dr Goh SL first for 1)overall cheaper cost cos she offers antenatal package 2)generally good reviews online. This was my 2nd pregnancy (had a early pregnancy loss just 5mnth ago) but before i could see her, I started bleeding again around week 7. Went kkh a&e in between cos dr Goh was away on leave. Finally I met her for first consultation at week 10, and found baby’s heart has stopped beating. Throughout the consultation she was smiley and professional. But I felt the way she delivered the news may not suit everyone. It was too straight forward, to the extent that I didnt feel any empathy and personal touch. She didn’t say much while I was sobbing hard in the room, it felt like they were just waiting for me to stop crying and leave the room so can clear the queue😞 (ya i can understand doctors see it so often but this is very turn off for me) After I left mount A I rushed down to Dr Marianne immediately to seek a 2nd opinion. Prior to that I had seen her once for urgent hormone jab, her clinic is so helpful and always try to accept walk in patients whenever they can. Dr Marianne was very reassuring, she tried to calm me down by saying perhaps baby was being naughty and playing hide and seek..the difference is that she did the scan in a very detailed manner and explained every single step to me. Towards the end she told me and husband “ I am so sorry, I have done all the checks but the result doesn’t look positive”. That was enough for me because as a patient I can see that she had done her parts + giving me time to process and digest…rather than rushing through the check or simply say “cannot detect baby’s heartbeat today”. Then she sat us down, explained what tests could be done should we decide to investigate the cause of recurrent miscarriages. I must say other than Dr Marianne, her assistant and two counter staff serve clients with their hearts and I can feel their sincerity too. Everyone has diff preference - some don’t mind the short and sweet, don’t chit chat kind. Some prefer gynae who is more assuring and put in efforts to really unds patients’ concerns. Most importantly u must get someone that you feel comfortable with:) u can always start with a preferred choice first, if don’t feel the connection from first visit then can explore next gynae. Smooth and safe pregnancy to u!
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Read up about their profiles online first and read up on their reviews. Any red flags? Others might indicate articulate or quiet or meticulous or talkative personalities, which are you most comfortable with? Learn about their fees and which hospital they are associated with. Have you decided on the hospital to deliver? Any budget? End of the day, even when you decide and you are uncomfortable after 1st visit you are still able to switch. I am going 44 and high risk pregnancy hence in case of emergency or complication I opted for government hospital and be taken care of by a team of doctors that can better manage any time any day and no worries of hospital bills after with government subsidies and later stage of pregnancy I can always upgrade to a better ward and personal OB&G doctor.
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