I've been breastfeeding my daughter for just over two months with no big problems. But over the past two days I've felt random shooting pains in both of my breasts. Not horribly painful, but kind of like *zing*, if anyone can understand that. It's happened before and after feeding and pumping. Any ideas what this could mean?

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Does it feel like it's being electrocuted and the pain is somewhere at the areola? It's actually the let-down reflex. Some mummies experience this and some don't. I do! It's perfectly normal and happens when there is a let-down. For me it occurs after baby suckles for 5-10 seconds or for about a minute on the pump. Sometimes thinking about whether it's time for baby to drink milk also triggers the reflex. I usually experience it before/during feeding but not after. If the reflex happens twice it's usually when I pump for more than 15 minutes and the 232nd let-down is triggered. I didn't have it during my initial breastfeeding days too, it started also when baby was about 2 months. Don't worry about it!

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Are your nipples itchy, shiny or red? If so, it could be nipple thrush. Do get it checked out by a doctor. He will prescribe you with an anti-fungal gel which is safe for use with breastfeeding. http://sg.theasianparent.com/thrush-in-breastfeeding-mums/

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