14 Replies

It really depends on your body and immune system. During this pregnancy, my immune system became much lower and i developed bacterial vaginosis in my feminine area. Feminine wash is not recommended for me because it may reduce my good bacteria further and worsen my condition. Warm water is still the best. If you start using feminine wash and develop any infection, be sure to quickly stop using, and strengthen yr good bacteria again by eating kimchi or yoghurt. These 2 have helped me a lot to overcome BV.

yes, I've been using douche or feminine wash throughout my both pregnancies

yes i used it through my pregnancy due to excess discharge.

my gynae told me is the best just using warm water.

Yes. I searched for pregnancy friendly brands online.

Check w gynae to be safe

I have been using it everyday

have been using it. it's fine.

I use it to prevent UTI


i wonder y not 🤔

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