is it true that some food items lead to miscarriages if consumed in early days of pregnancy?

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Yes. Mga pampalasa. Papaya. Pineapple. Eggplant. Raw Foods. Sardines. Seafoods. Sobrang maalat. Sobrang matamis. Instant noodles. Unpasteurized cheese. Mayonnaise.

4y trước

Bawal po yung eggplant?

I just ate durian mochi. Now my stomch really painfull. Xtau sebab angin ke apa. Ad effect ke mkn durian satu ulas je pon. Help me. Baby baru 5weeks

4y trước

Jgn risau...Xde effect pun with the baby..its just that ur tummy yg xboleh terima durian at that moment tu yg perut gassy tu.. Dr Imelda, Pakar Gynea ada bgtau makanan apa yg kita boleh makan before mengandung, kita still boleh during pregnancy n during pantang..(kecuali raw food and high mercury fishes lah..) Insha Allah xkn effect pada kalau awak risau, boleh je bawak check up..😊😊

Yes. Don't eat Pineapple & young papaya. Try avoid chemical & preservatives foods, better to eat fresh fruits & vegetables.

some of them it could be, it depends on your consume. at least if you're eating normally It might be not. hope so. inshaaAllah

Yes but I ate fish till my last trimester I pray all the time b4 I consume it... I couldn't help my craving for the fish I'm 31 weeks now

4y trước

opoooo :) dto sa app meron pong mga food na nakalagay kung pwedeng kainin, nakalagay po sya sa nutrients and food po ba un hihihi

normal lang ba kung nilabasan ka ng white cells, or parang ihi na sya, then the nextday parang mapilit sya?

Ask lng po ako mga ate. 3months na po ako na delay PERO ng pt. Naman ako at negative po. Impossible b na buntis ako??

3y trước

pacheck po with OB if ganyan baka po may pcos kayo .. much better to visit an OB doctor po

Yes.. Keep doing research which type of food that may lead miscarriage.. If you're craving those, take a lil amount of it