Is flu vaccination for kids helpful? What are the pros and cons for flu vaccination

Pros 1. Reduces the risk of getting the flu People who receive the flu shot every season is 70% less likely to have influenza or develop symptoms that are often annoying than painful, such as congestion, cough, fever and body aches. This is according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which leaves little doubt of the fact’s credibility. So, despite what other people may think, influenza vaccine is good for you. The best time to get the flu shot is during the holiday seasons when everyone is likely to give hugs and kisses that could be a mode of transfer of the flu virus. Or you can have it during the flu season, which makes more sense. 2. Protects against more than one strain of flu virus A flu shot protects against 3 to 4 strains of the flu virus, which is something that other vaccines are incapable of. This means you have more protection with just one shot. Whoever said that getting an influenza vaccine is pointless probably didn’t know anything about this particular fact. What is even better is that the newest flu shot not only protects against a strain of H1N1, but also against potential Northern hemisphere contaminants. Cons 1. Aggravates allergies The vaccine is cultivated through the inside of a chicken egg, and may cause a reaction to someone allergic to the poultry product. If you are already aware of your egg allergies, it is best to consult with your doctor before getting a flu shot. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, however, the amount of egg protein in influenza vaccine is so low that it is not enough to cause a reaction. Still, they warn against it with patients who have severe egg allergy. 2. Only reduces the possibility of getting sick Although the shot will protect you against the flu, it will not boost your immune system. If your immunity is weak to begin with, you might still be affected with the flu virus. The flu shot may decrease the risk of you coming down with influenza, but not completely eradicate the possibility.
Read moreThe flu vaccine available in Singapore helps protects against infection and illness caused by influenza viruses. It is recommended for children between six months and five years to be vaccinated. The pro is its effectiveness in preventing children (especially those with weaker immune system or other medical conditions) from getting infected. The con is the discomfort brought about by potential side effects such as slight fever, soreness, redness or swelling at site of injection, muscle aches or headache, cough or sore throat, and vomiting. These side effects may take place within six to 12 hours after administration. If you are planning to have your child vaccinated, it is best to do so at least two weeks before the peak flu seasons (Dec to Feb, May to Jul). This is because the vaccine will take around two weeks to be effective. These vaccinations are offered at hospitals, polyclinics and GP clinics. For more information:
Read moreIn fact, the flu vaccine is a good idea for all family members. It does not cause the flu and it helps keep kids and parents from getting sick. Getting the flu is worse than having a cold and can make a person sick for a week or more. Babies younger than 6 months old can't get the vaccine, but if their parents, other caregivers, and older kids in the household get it, that will help protect the baby. This is important because infants are more at risk for serious complications from the flu. Pros - The flu vaccine can't give you the flu - Reduces the risk of getting the flu - Protects against more than one strain of flu virus Cons - Only reduces the possibility of getting sick.
Read moreI would only consider flu vaccines if we are to travel for long periods of time as seeing a doctor overseas can be both a traumatizing and expensive experience. In SG where our medical facilities are well established and subsidized, a vaccine might not really be needed. You can do so if your child constantly falls sick due to flu to prevent him or her from suffering but this will be up to the parent to decide. 1 other con on top of what Hui Qun says is that there is no guarantee that your child will be 100% immune.
Read moreYes, they're helpful in preventing the flu, and is certainly effective. The cons would also have to be the side effects and of course, the physical discomfort whilst getting the shot. theAsianparent has a great article on the different types of flu vaccine effects! Here it is:
Read moreInfluenza vaccination is recommended for all children aged 6 months to