4 Replies

The chinese ceremony is known as 抓周. "Zhou" in the word "zhua zhou" means the baby is one year old. On that day, before the baby eats its longevity noodle, the family will lay out sutras, brush pens, paper, abacus, jewelries, flowers, foods, toys and so on. If it is a baby girl, scoops, scissors, rulers and thread will be added. The baby will be put in front of these articles, and choose whatever they want to take, without any cue or instructions from their parents or other people. According to what the baby catches, the family can predict the baby's interest and the future career. http://english.cri.cn/7106/2013/12/26/2001s805245.htm The meanings behind some items are pretty straight-forward while others require some knowledge of Chinese language or culture to understand: Measuring Tape – Designer / Architect Sword – Law Enforcement / Soldier Green Onion – Intelligent [green onion (蔥 cōng) and intelligent (聰 cōng) are homophones] Stethoscope – Doctor Abacus – Businessperson Chicken – Food Security Yuanbao [(元寶) money used in ancient China] – A life of fortune Book – Scholar Calligraphy Pen – Writer Stamp – Civil Servant Peanuts – Long Life Microphone – Entertainer Celery – Industrious [celery (芹 qín) and industrious (勤 qín) are homophones]

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It's called 抓周 and it's a ritual where babies "grab" their destiny. A variety of items are placed in front of the baby and the first item she grabs signifies his future. There are no set items, but you can rent or purchase a zhua zhou set. http://www.rentalittledream.com.sg/#!1st-birthday-/cy5d http://www.rentalittledream.com.sg/#!Babys-First-Birthday-Pick-%E6%8A%93%E5%91%A8/c1wla/AA81B3AA-9CD2-4723-A82B-4787A53B76F4

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